Class Action Lawsuit against Westwood College

Westwood Class Action Lawsuit :)
Aug 17, 2009, futurediva222 wrote:
"Hi there, I saw your videos reguarding being scammed by Westwood and thought you should know that there is a class action lawsuit against the school for all their shady practices. I, like you, had fallen victim to them, thinking that this was a promising school that could provide me a great education for the future. About a year and a half in, I started reading and observing things that were really suspicious and decided to pull out. The lawyer's name involved in the lawsuit is James Hoyer. On his page, he asks students and former employees to share their story and says that his office will contact them promptly. You may want to try this. It's time to bring Westwood down!!! Hopefully the settlement will be large enough where Westwood will have no choice but to shut down for finnancial reasons...that way that can't scam anymore students."


  1. I also was sickened when I found out how much I was going to have to pay Since I could not get any family members to co-sign for loans for me, I accepted the in-house loan at 18% interest. I quit school after 2yrs because every time I just thought about how much I was paying for school (now this is not including student loans from Sally-Mae to cover the other half) made me phsically ill. Times I didn't sleep at all knowing all this after the fact. I also received mail for Williamson and Fudge Attornies saying that I had to pay 1200 dollars a month til my bill was paid. well needless to say I am paying $50.00 a month on this loan which who even knows if interest is still being tacked on to it- (probably)and not able to afford my Sally Mae loans. So basically life is worse than when I started school. If I would have known full well everything involved in this mess, I would have never gone. Now I am stuck up above my head in debt that I will never be able to get out of. I will only have the American Dream if I win the Lottery and then Williamson and Fudge and Sally Mae will come and take that and say I owe a couple million on interest.!

    1. don't worry it is only money and attorneys only scare you but always remember they can't get money from someone that don't have it. It is just a scare tactic because I worked for an attorney and I tried to collect on old doctor and hospital bills and if the I called did not have it oh well. Never let money worry you

  2. ive been going to westwood college in houston since march of 2009 and grad date is march of 2010. when i did my financial ain i had an outstanding balance of $1045.00 i decided to make payments instead of getting another loan. in august 2009 i went in to make a payment and i asked for my balance and the lady tells me that i havnt payed anything and ive been paying $150 a month since april 2009 to july 2009!! what is westwood doing with my money?!?! how is it possible that westwood doesnt have not 1 of my reciepts??? the problem is that my car got stolen and my reciepts were in there. what should i do?

  3. I would like some information on getting involved in this situation with westwood college, already graduated, and am bitng the bullet. In the end because I did keep track of their messed up accounting practices, they had to send me a check for over $7000 dollars, and I feel cheated from this school, they did not teach the software that was thrown at us, the projects were way advanced for students that couldn't get help and the tuition was insane.

  4. I graduated January 2009, since then, I have not been able to get a job in the field i studied for, and stuck with a $65,000.00 bill. and the school dont want to help you after you graduated.

  5. Westwood is trifling!!!I took out loans to cover all of my expenses imagine my surprise when i find out i still owed them money when I LEFT THE SCHOOL. they tried to get me to take out another loan like several other students. And now my debt in collection and i cannot afford to pay. I can not even go to school and the credits dont transfer over

  6. I hate Westwood! They have ruined my life and my credit. I am knee deep in debt because of this scam! I have two kids and will probably never be able to buy a house so that they have a backyard to play in. I would like to sue the pants off of them. They have robbed me of my credit, job security and dignity. I understand what you are all going through.

  7. I have been going to Westwood College since Jan 2008. Since then I have been pushed around and told many different things. I was told in that beginning that given the fact that I am getting my BS in Criminal Justice that I would make 60,000 to start a year. The guy that told me that seemed more like a sale rep than a career advisor! Now that I am almost complete I am having a hard time finding a job and I have at least 50,000 in debt. When I asked about all my bills and tuition print out they gave me the run around. Now this is my dilemma...I am not sure if they can hold up to their end of their promises given that they aren’t sending me anything career wise. I keep having a problem too with the tuition thing...where is all my money going and how can they get away with charging so much and still being accredited through the state? If anyone know what I can do or what my next steps will be that would be great! I am not looking to get out of paying if the education isn’t a waste of my time but I don’t think that Westwood College is really somewhere where anyone should go…It seems to me that they are out there for the money and not the education of the students!

  8. Is there a lawsuit against westwood? If so I would like to join I have also be wrongfully deceived by them

  9. If the lawsuit is still active i am interested in participating. I graduated from Westwood and am very disappointed in my time there.
    I can be contacted at:

  10. Does anyone know if there are other attorneys that will take these Westwood cases? I am also a graduate from Westwood and I am in debt about $60,000, that I can't pay back either. I am looking for an attorney that will help in this. I live in Denver Colorado and would like some help from someone. Thanks :)

  11. soldier with PTSD, yes my son served in the Iraq War in 2005-06 and was diagnosed with PTSD I contacted Westwood College on-line classes from 2/09/09-10/25/10 and he was scammed he was told by the school that he would get a degree in Gamming Designs and they told him that they were the only school that offered that, but after having a bad experience with their instructors and failing his classes they continued to take money from his student loan and only gave him $1,000/year,he saw he was going no where after 2 years he dropped out and then got a bill from Sallie Mae for over $34,000 and noticed that they were double dipping without his permission and when he saw that he contacted Sallie Mae's fraud dept and they told him they could not do anything for him and said I had to contact the Dept of Education in his state and the Attorney General. I am so upset that this school would take advantage of my son who is someone, someone who served your country and someone who has PTSD. He would like to be a part of this law suit and hope and prey that someone can help me and my son because he is to upset to write this himself and I am a disabled Viet Nam veteran. Please contact me ASAP at:

  12. If there is a suit against them. I know my sister and I would join in. They took out loans in our name without our permission. We didn't find out about the loans until years after we had to step away from the school due to movie and such.

  13. I have also been misled. I was promised proper training. After further exploration in the field after found out I was not properly informed of valuable fundamentals. Also, promised class retraining. School is shut down. Also, never received any job placement assistance, or so much as even an externship. I would grateley appreciate information to join any class action lawsuit that could payback tuition payed to this crock. contact me
