The Whole Banking System is Fraudulent and Corrupt

The following is not the only example of how they're ripping folks off through online banking.

Awhile back, I wrote my landlord out a check ... he receives it. He told me he had already cashed it about three days ago. Guess what folks? BBT Online was *absent* of any such transaction. He goes in, cashes it walked out, and the money was removed from my account, but it never even shows up in "pending items" and doesn't even show up as missing, at all... the same false balance is showing up on BBandT Online though.

  • for one day...
  • for two days...
    now take note, the money was already removed and the landlord had it, but
  • the check suddenly appears about day three as already posted.

    This has occurred on many occasions, with many transactions.
    You see, they had removed money -- but didn't have the courtesy to even notify me for several days.

    When you complain and try to get something done about the mistakes they made... guess what folks?

    THEY CHARGE YOU FOUR DOLLARS FOR TWO PHONE CALLS!!! at a 1-800 Number which is false advertising too, because 1-800 numbers are suppose to be toll free...

    Yeah, those charges were incurred from BB&T, one of them (not to mention) I was disconnected, while trying to reach a customer rep, and the phone was disconnected, but it didn't stop BB&T charging me two bucks for absolutely nothing. In fact, I got nothing but hassled when I finally got through. I was not notified they were stiffing me 2 bucks per phone call I made to the bank, either.

    This is how BB&T does business folks!

    They run you around with excuse upon excuse... but there is no excuse!!! You have the right to know what your actual balance is. If they take money from your account, they have an obligation to tell you... but its so much easier to with-hold these transactions so they can rip you off.

    Oh there's more, Can somebody tell me HOW... how does a bank let you withdraw 60 bucks, if you're really 70 in overdraft fees, in the hole. Because folks, the system is rigged to convince you that you have more money in your account, than BB&T has recorded in its private data records... with-holding crucial information from consumers, for two days!!!.

    Because folks, that overdraft fee was posted two whole days after BB&T charged it and simply backdated two days. With-holding crucial information, plain and simple. WHICH IS BLATANT FRAUD!!! Not to mention false advertising, when promising up to the minute transaction reporting.


    Watch as their "Security" lies to me that they don't have a form to simply fill out, hand in, and close out an account.

    What is this thing? Taken right off the BB&T website.

    They managed to rip me off for $105 ... and then proceed to be hateful, as if I'm the wrongdoer. Let's get this straight... I'm the victim!!!
    Not only was a transaction for 135 with-held from my knowledge, but along with it, an "overdraft fee" for 70.

    But the clerk and security agent, lied that you "must" go inside and see a branch representative. 'zat so? What's this on Google, folks??

    Here's the screen shot so everyone can see it for themselves.

    NOT ONLY THE TRANSACTION WAS WITH-HELD BUT THE OVERDRAFT FEE ITSELF WAS KEPT SECRET TOO... giving me the reassurance, "You're safe to with-draw 60" for which I received 60 from an ATM, but got hit with yet another Overdraft. BB&T's internal system knew my account didn't have 60 bucks. While 70+ in the hole... all the online system says is that 90 is available and 112 was coming through. I withdrew 60 dollars because it appeared everything was clear. If I had not withdrawn that 60 (BBT's FRAUDULENT ONLINE SYSTEM told me was safe to withdraw from), there'd been enough to cover the pending transaction (I knew nothing about, but BB&T sure did!) As a result, I not only got hit for 2 overdrafts but a third one for the $60 I withdrew.
    Available funds: 90+112 = 200 plus, and it wasn't enough to cover ONE TRANSACTION for 135... but it was enough for BB&T to tack on 105 in fees.

    So, Banks charge $70 in overdrafts and wait two whole days before telling you about it on online banking??? Saying "Please do with-draw some more money so we can bleed you even more!"

    Yep, with-held even the information of that overdraft charge for two whole days, still lying that $90 is available in the account, and 112 coming through... of which they stole every dime. Some rich CEO at BB&T is eating steak tonight... my children don't know that same luxury.

    Their fraudulent online banking system has been complained about as far back as 2006!

    BB&T makes it easy to close another bank's account without even being *required* to go in to competitor banks, but BB&T doesn't extend the same benefit to their customers... they force you to go in and hassle customers... wasting my time. Here's that piece of paper, that can be mailed in and the bank close the account!



    Can somebody tell me HOW... how does a bank let you withdraw 60 bucks, if you're really 70 in overdraft fees, in the hole. Because folks, the system is rigged to convince you that you have more money in your account, than BB&T has recorded in its private data records... with-holding crucial information from consumers, for two days!!!.

    Does everyone else see it? 60 was permitted to be withdrawn, sandwiched between 105 in overdrafts! HOW COULD THAT BE?

    ... how the heck could I withdraw 60 bucks, if there's an overdraft just before it... showing the account was in the negative! They with-held the information, and posted as if the account with 90+ in the positive and 112 was coming through. The system is rigged to rip you off.

    Please establish direct deposit into my BB&T checking account. ... I have enclosed a deposit slip to verify my new BB&T account number. Signature(s) ... - Similar -

    They have ripped me off for $105 last month, through fraud, false advertising that their online banking is "up to the minute," it's fraud because they deliberately with-held information by failing to report transactions in the "pending items" of the account. They keep pending charges hidden, then *bang* they show up as processed days later (with-holding information BB&T has secretly in its computers, from the consumer), just itching for people to believe the false $$'s on their bank account.

    One night check into your account and its showing 90 bucks in your account, *plus* a credit of 112 coming through... next day, you've been hit with 105 in "overdraft fees".

    A charge you were not notified of is suddenly "posted" (never appeared in the pending section which normally... is pending for TWO DAYS or more).. but it was absent, along with any mention of an overdraft fee for 70 dollars for TWO DAYS!! I ONLY SAW 90+ in my account, plus 112 depositing... so I felt safe to withdraw 60 for my daughter's bank account.

    90+ 112(deposit) equals = about 200 ... right?
    Seems enough to cover a bill for 135.... right?
    But somehow this amounts to 135 for the transaction plus $105 in blood fees for Branch Banking and Trust???


    Banks have reached an all time low for deceptive business practices, and the people they're preying on are the poor and single mothers.
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    Westwood College settles federal lawsuit

    See entire article, at WFAA TV News, Westwood College settles federal lawsuit

    11:00 AM CDT on Saturday, May 30, 2009

    DALLAS — The owners of Westwood College — which has branches in Dallas, Fort Worth and Houston — will pay $7 million to settle a lawsuit with the federal government.

    Four years ago, News 8 investigated student complaints against Westwood, which operates seventeen schools nationwide. Its three Texas campuses are known as "career colleges," but in a federal lawsuit, the government charged Westwood was not the college it said it was, and that it did not provide careers for its students.

    The lawsuit covers a period from 2002 to 2005, and contains the same complaints Westwood students shared with News 8 in 2005.

    Westwood can cost a student tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the curriculum; most students get government grants and loans to go there.

    The government charged Westwood with fraud and misrepresentation in participating in those loans.

    Westwood told students that 97 percent of its graduates got jobs, but the government said the placement rate was far lower.


    The lawsuit said students were told the credits they earned at Westwood could be transferred to junior colleges and universities. But when former student Robert Moers presented his Westwood transcript to a junior college, officials there told him to "just keep this transcript, because we don't recognize this institution [Westwood] as a school."

    Westwood's Texas campuses remain open.

    The government's case took years to put together. After prosecutors sought a jury trial, Westwood decided to settle, which does not admit guilt.
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    Class Action Lawsuit against Westwood College

    Westwood Class Action Lawsuit :)
    Aug 17, 2009, futurediva222 wrote:
    "Hi there, I saw your videos reguarding being scammed by Westwood and thought you should know that there is a class action lawsuit against the school for all their shady practices. I, like you, had fallen victim to them, thinking that this was a promising school that could provide me a great education for the future. About a year and a half in, I started reading and observing things that were really suspicious and decided to pull out. The lawyer's name involved in the lawsuit is James Hoyer. On his page, he asks students and former employees to share their story and says that his office will contact them promptly. You may want to try this. It's time to bring Westwood down!!! Hopefully the settlement will be large enough where Westwood will have no choice but to shut down for finnancial reasons...that way that can't scam anymore students."
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    Message from Congresswoman Chellie Pingree on Predatorial Banking and Student Loans

    Here's another phone call with Sallie Mae Financial (yet another lie caught on the phone!!! with their computer right in front of them, the rep knew absolutely nothing about the recent heavy involvement of the Department of Education's Ombudsman' office which was dragged in after their predators refused to send federal forbearance forms (which needless to say is a FEDERAL CRIME), and claims to know nothing about the intermediator between Sallie Mae and Department... Rosa Van Dyke???) The guy is lying, which is typical for criminals at Sallie Mae. They would rather lie about everything, even when the truth is more conducive, but they've got to beat people out of millions, so lying is second nature to the crooks.

    And due to the corrupt predatorial banking fraud that is ongoing, here's a recent email from Congresswoman Chellie Pingree who addresses these issues, head-on without mincing words. I wish that there were more in Congress, concerned about these issues which are now affecting all Americans who are students of Higher Education, across the nation. Does your Congressman give a *d* or have dirty banking corporations bought your representatives, and have them in their pocket to represent the interests of predatorial bankers like Sallie Mae Financial?

    From: Congresswoman Chellie Pingree
    Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 4:46 PM
    Subject: Message from Congresswoman Chellie Pingree

    Dear Sharon,

    Thank you for contacting me about the importance of making higher education more accessible and affordable. I appreciate hearing from you about this important issue, and I sincerely apologize for the delay in my response.

    As the former chair of my school board, I care deeply about the issues surrounding education in this country - and I am well aware of the many challenges that our education system faces. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the 111th Congress to ensure that we provide a quality education to every American. This includes expanding access to higher education and ensuring that those who want to pursue a college education can do so without entering into impossible debt.

    I was proud to support H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), which included several provisions to make college more affordable. This recovery package provided much-needed funds for work study programs, and provided money to states to help alleviate budget cuts to public universities.

    The Fiscal Year 2010 Budget, passed earlier this year, also makes significant investments in higher education access, raising the maximum Pell Grant award to $5,550 for the 2010-11 school year, and making permanent the $2,500 American Opportunity Tax Credit, which will make college more affordable for millions of middle-class families and for the first time make college tax incentives partially refundable.

    Earlier this year, I joined several of my colleagues in sending two letters to Chairman David Obey and Ranking Member Todd Tiahrt of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies, requesting $400 million in funding for the Gaining Early Awareness Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP), and an increase of $120 million in funding for TRIO Programs for Fiscal Year 2010. Both of these programs provide invaluable services to low income students, helping them prepare for the rigorous demands of higher education while in high school, and providing college students with the support services they need in order to successfully complete their degrees.

    I also believe we must address the issue of student loan fairness and consumer protection when it comes to student loans. Too many students remain saddled with debt long after graduation, and lack the help and support to pay off their debt within a reasonable timeframe. We should ensure that lenders are operating in a fair and transparent manner, and that borrowers are provided with all the information they need to make informed decisions and pay off their loans.

    As a mother of three, I am a firm believer that we must work to fix our education system to ensure that every student in Maine and across the country can have affordable access to a higher education.

    Thank you again for being in touch about these important issues. I hope to see you in Maine soon.

    Chellie Pingree
    Member of Congress

    To contact me please visit me at
    If you need immediate help with a Federal Agency please call my Portland Office at 207-774-5019 or toll free at 888-862-6500.
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    Sallie Mae Lies over the Phone

    At one point during his conversation he claims there were _only 2 over the phone transactions_ back in 2007. He was trying to wiggle out of blame for the abuse of trust in banking, they did in October 2008. My bank documents to the contrary of his claims. Realizing at some point, he was a blatant liar incapable of disputing bank records at BBandT, he changed his story, saying that the transaction in question (yes, he changed his story and _agreed something_ took place in October 2008). Despite changing his story, it was on his computer screen, all along, and he was lying about it.

    Over the Phone Conversation Part One

    Over the Phone Conversation Part Two
    (7:24 / 9:01) '... He's going to pull up my history
    (8:02 / 9:01) '... There's only 2 payments and that was in 2007...over the phone ma'am"
    Listen carefully to his smug and cocky tone as he attempts to deny the over the phone transaction in October 2008, then diverts to the "I don't give you permission to record." He was lying and he knew it. Of course he didn't want his lying recorded.
    (8:42 / 9:01) '...when did you make a payment over the phone?' (as if he didn't have the information on his screen?)
    (0:26 / 5:14) '...when did you make a payment over the phone that we took 2.5x the amount?'
    (0:42 / 5:14) ' did an auto-debit it takes it automatically out of your monthly payment.'
    (0:50 / 5:14) ' did an auto-debit October 2008...'

    Initially, I didn't catch his trying to blame me for an "auto debit". He is lying. I'll let the records at BBandT speak for themselves.
    Does that look remotely as if me, myself made an "auto debit"? Or rather, that Sallie Mae made that debit? It was no "auto-debit".
    Which explains why BBandT issued a reversal of the charge:
    Two lies don't fix the story. There was only an over the phone transaction Sallie Mae processed, and the bank statement verifies the charge came from Sallie Mae.

    In fact, take a look at the way BBandT records debits from Sallie Mae vs. online checks aka "auto debits"
    03/16/2009 Debit Online Pmt Sallie Mae CKF927529477POS $40

    After this act of charging 2.5x the amount, BBandT told me to not give my bank account information to Sallie Mae anymore. My bank said legitimate institutions in banking do not do what Sallie Mae has done. I think... BBandT is on to something.
    I got the woman who answered the phone _to admit_ that a forebearance "hardship form" is something that has income on it, and to be signed. Instead of such a form, they sent just another junk flyer for harrassment. See (both of which are dated incidentally)
    Do either of those documents look like a "hardship form" to be signed or with income on it? No, they do not. Running me around in circles and avoid sending the forbearance forms they promised back in October 2008. See: 60 Minutes CBS / Default Loans = Big Profits.

    Sallie Mae has repeatedly refused to send or discuss forbearance information since October 2008 (the supervisor on floor admit during conversation forbearance can be taken care of over the phone, so I'm asking WHY WASN'T IT... back in October 2008 when they promised to send them to me., March 2009 I began contacting them again -- meeting with the same refusal to send forms....

    Here's where they confirmed (after emailing telling me to log in to my account) they'd locked me out from accessing my account online. They run people around in circles for months, refusing to send federal forms like federal law requires them to do, causing them to default their loans which Sallie Mae sells off to collection agencies for big profits. (Search Google for: 60 Minutes CBS + Sallie Mae Loan Fraud)

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    Sallie Mae Financial and Diploma Mill (Westwood) Federal Student Loan Fraud


    COMPLAINT #1 (Office of Inspector General / Department of Education)
    "Anyone suspecting fraud, waste or abuse involving Department of Education funds or programs should call or write the Inspector General's Hotline.. OIG Fraud Hotline"

    Sallie Mae was the _only_ financial lender involved in the diploma mill fraud... and now ask Congress for a bail out??

    1. Westwood Diploma Mill Scam
    2. 60 Minutes Sallie Mae Fraud

    Students say college misled them
    Tuesday, February 22, 2005, By BYRON HARRIS / WFAA-TV
    "The sales pitch said Westwood is accredited; students said that led them to believe the school has the same academic status as well-known colleges and universities. But the sales pitch doesn't mention the fine print on the back of the contract, which said "Westwood College of Technology makes no guarantee of credit transfer." In fact, these students found that when they presented their Westwood transcripts to other schools, the reaction was anything but positive."You can just keep this ... because we don't recognize this institution as a school," Moers recalled one school's representative as saying. Westwood is headquartered in Denver, and claims it's been around for more than 50 years. However, Colorado state incorporation records indicate the current owner began business in 1986. with News 8 about complaints against the school, but when a crew got there for our scheduled interview, two representatives from the home office met them outside. "We just received notice that we're going to be preparing for some litigation," one of those representatives said, refusing to allow the News 8 crew to go inside. 67 former students have just sued Westwood College and its parent corporation for deceptive trade practices and breach of contract. "It's blatant fraud," Johnson said. "The school sold them a bill of goods; not only do they have more debt, but they spent a lot of time wasted and they have a degree that they cannot use."Westwood officials said the school does not gurarantee employment. They also said the college is accredited, and said the school is eager for a face-to-face interview - which has not yet happened."
    "Westwood is expensive, from $27,000 to $34,000 for about a year and a half of classes. That's as much as a year's tuition at Harvard, or four years at UT-Austin. Brazell said. "We were trained to make them 'feel their pain.'" And pain is what Katrina Vargas, a single mom, felt after completing her degree at Westwood. "Now I'm a single mother, still, and I'm in so much debt," Vargas said. "I have marks on my credit, I can't pay for my daughter's needs ... my mom has to help me." "I got people in financial jeopardy rather than getting into a career," Brazell said. "They made bets with me on how many students I would enroll."
    Students say college misled them, WFAA News, Byron Harris

    The Have Nots and The Haves...

    "While former students are being extorted by Sallie Mae into indentured servitude for the rest of their lives, and even paltry Social Security checks are being seized by Sallie Mae's collection agencies, Albert Lord, CEO of SALLIE MAE, is bidding on purchasing sports teams, building his own private golf course, and awarding himself and his number two man literally hundreds of millions of dollars in salary and stock bonuses..."

    Sallie Mae did not bother to notify students they were being charged a whopping 20,000+ for one year, through federal student loans program (FAFSA). $20,000 + for just one year toward a worthless certificate that is not even accepted by legitimate Colleges/University.

    Sallie Mae doesn't care about law... after numerous requests for forbearance forms, Sallie Mae has refused to send them. They promised back in November 2008... but failed to do so, when I made attempts to work out something to pay them. THEY REFUSE TO DISCUSS FORBEARANCE FORMS WHICH IS ILLEGAL. Instead, I have the emails where they simply sent more harrassment. In November 2008 (knowing they'd already conned me out of $20,000 through student loans) I gave them my bank routing and account number, and they proceeded to debit 2.5x the amount. I filed complaint with my bank, and they advised to open a new bank account. They said legitimate financial institutions do not do what Sallie Mae did -- breach of contract, withdrawing 2 and a half times the agreed amount.

    Sallie Mae-Westwood Diploma Mill Federal Student Loan Fraud #1

    Sallie Mae-Westwood Diploma Mill Federal Student Loan Fraud #2

    Tags: scam, federal government, westwood online, fraud and waste federal, department of education, department of treasury, FDIC, inspector general, leslie stahl, sixty minutes, 60 minutes, CBS Sallie Mae, WFAA Television, Denver, Colorado, Texas, education, student loans, college university, diploma mill

    Sallie Mae Financial's Barracuda-style Harrassment Tactics

    Hottest College Girls
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    Westwood College Scam


    Students say college misled them
    01:46 PM CST on Tuesday, February 22, 2005


    There's a long-held American belief that education is the key to a better life.

    But a News 8 investigation has found that scores of young men and women claim to have been duped by a chain of private schools in North Texas.

    They were fresh out of high school. They often lacked the grades or money for college. Yet, they wanted a degree that will lead them to a career, so they went to a private for-profit school called Westwood College of Technology for an associate degree.

    What many said they got, however, were a worthless piece of paper and crippling debt.

    Each morning seems bright for hundreds of students on Westwood's campuses in Euless and Dallas, because every minute spent on those campuses is based on the promise of a better life through education - a sense of promise based on Westwood's widely-aired TV commercials.

    "You need to know where the really hot careers are," said the ad. "You have lots of questions, and Westwood College has lots of answers."

    Westwood is expensive, from $27,000 to $34,000 for about a year and a half of classes. That's as much as a year's tuition at Harvard, or four years at UT-Austin.

    Brazell said. "We were trained to make them 'feel their pain.'"

    And pain is what Katrina Vargas, a single mom, felt after completing her degree at Westwood.

    "Now I'm a single mother, still, and I'm in so much debt," Vargas said. "I have marks on my credit, I can't pay for my daughter's needs ... my mom has to help me."

    "I got people in financial jeopardy rather than getting into a career," Brazell said. "They made bets with me on how many students I would enroll."

    Students say college misled them, WFAA News, Byron Harris

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Sharon"
    To: stephen schoeni salliemae com
    Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 1:52 AM
    Subject: Prison

    "...And pain is what Katrina Vargas, a single mom, felt after completing her degree at Westwood. "Now I'm a single mother, still, and I'm in so much debt," Vargas said. "I have marks on my credit, I can't pay for my daughter's needs ... my mom has to help me."
    ~ Dallas /Fort Worth, Texas

    I feel their pain, Mr. Schoeni, being I'm living through the same financial nightmare your predatory business practices lured me and untold tens of thousands into.

    When Mr. Wong asked me to advertise your scam from _my_ science blog and our science web sites? Ha, there's no way... but I did tell him I'd give Sallie Mae/Westwood Scam lots of PRO BONO exposure.
    I read today on one site I found discussing the Westwood fraud, that somebody 'had taken down the fight westwood site'..
    Okay, as promised to do, I'll do my part and create a blogspot ( their idea which is good enough -- and adding lots of links to information like the article at WFAA News (Dallas / Fort Worth).. and I'll use all the pre-existing sites at my disposal to give top billing to exposing and linking to the Westwood College Online / Sallie Mae fraud, republishing some of the same letters I've shared with you and the reporters.
    If victims of the Westwood fraud want to come mourn their sorrow, then I'll welcome them with an open embrace. But there will be no greater reason to rejoice, when the criminals at Sallie Mae and Westwood, are sitting behind bars.

    You people deserve only a long stretch in federal prison, and the key thrown away!

    Best, Sharon
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