Sallie Mae Lies over the Phone

At one point during his conversation he claims there were _only 2 over the phone transactions_ back in 2007. He was trying to wiggle out of blame for the abuse of trust in banking, they did in October 2008. My bank documents to the contrary of his claims. Realizing at some point, he was a blatant liar incapable of disputing bank records at BBandT, he changed his story, saying that the transaction in question (yes, he changed his story and _agreed something_ took place in October 2008). Despite changing his story, it was on his computer screen, all along, and he was lying about it.

Over the Phone Conversation Part One

Over the Phone Conversation Part Two
(7:24 / 9:01) '... He's going to pull up my history
(8:02 / 9:01) '... There's only 2 payments and that was in 2007...over the phone ma'am"
Listen carefully to his smug and cocky tone as he attempts to deny the over the phone transaction in October 2008, then diverts to the "I don't give you permission to record." He was lying and he knew it. Of course he didn't want his lying recorded.
(8:42 / 9:01) '...when did you make a payment over the phone?' (as if he didn't have the information on his screen?)
(0:26 / 5:14) '...when did you make a payment over the phone that we took 2.5x the amount?'
(0:42 / 5:14) ' did an auto-debit it takes it automatically out of your monthly payment.'
(0:50 / 5:14) ' did an auto-debit October 2008...'

Initially, I didn't catch his trying to blame me for an "auto debit". He is lying. I'll let the records at BBandT speak for themselves.
Does that look remotely as if me, myself made an "auto debit"? Or rather, that Sallie Mae made that debit? It was no "auto-debit".
Which explains why BBandT issued a reversal of the charge:
Two lies don't fix the story. There was only an over the phone transaction Sallie Mae processed, and the bank statement verifies the charge came from Sallie Mae.

In fact, take a look at the way BBandT records debits from Sallie Mae vs. online checks aka "auto debits"
03/16/2009 Debit Online Pmt Sallie Mae CKF927529477POS $40

After this act of charging 2.5x the amount, BBandT told me to not give my bank account information to Sallie Mae anymore. My bank said legitimate institutions in banking do not do what Sallie Mae has done. I think... BBandT is on to something.
I got the woman who answered the phone _to admit_ that a forebearance "hardship form" is something that has income on it, and to be signed. Instead of such a form, they sent just another junk flyer for harrassment. See (both of which are dated incidentally)
Do either of those documents look like a "hardship form" to be signed or with income on it? No, they do not. Running me around in circles and avoid sending the forbearance forms they promised back in October 2008. See: 60 Minutes CBS / Default Loans = Big Profits.

Sallie Mae has repeatedly refused to send or discuss forbearance information since October 2008 (the supervisor on floor admit during conversation forbearance can be taken care of over the phone, so I'm asking WHY WASN'T IT... back in October 2008 when they promised to send them to me., March 2009 I began contacting them again -- meeting with the same refusal to send forms....

Here's where they confirmed (after emailing telling me to log in to my account) they'd locked me out from accessing my account online. They run people around in circles for months, refusing to send federal forms like federal law requires them to do, causing them to default their loans which Sallie Mae sells off to collection agencies for big profits. (Search Google for: 60 Minutes CBS + Sallie Mae Loan Fraud)

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